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Chapter 1: Who Did Patrick's Homework?

Patrick is a boy who despises homework. One fine day, he found an elf who promised that he would do his homework if he saved him from a cat. Since Patrick himself doesn't even know how to do certain subjects, so he himself helps the elf unknowingly doing all his homework.

Chapter 2: How the Dog Found Himself a New Master!

This is a story about how dogs became domesticated animals. A lonely dog starts searching for a master, stronger than any other creature. He progresses from wolf to bear, then to lion, and lastly to man, who is the strongest of all.

Chapter 3: Taro's Reward

Taro was a poor woodcutter who would always like to cheer his parents up. One day, he stumbled onto a magic waterfall that, instead of water, issued a Japanese drink called sake. The villagers tried to get the sake from the waterfall, but they kept getting water. This builds them up to be as hardworking and caring as Taro.

Chapter 4: An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla

This chapter is on Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian American woman in space. It narrates her life, achievements, and the tragic end of Space Shuttle Columbia, in which she lost her life. Her story inspires many to pursue one's dreams despite challenges.

Chapter 5: A Different Kind of School

He visits Miss Beam's school, where children are taught to become helpful and considerate. They have to remain blind or lame or otherwise disabled for one whole day in order to appreciate the problems of the disabled. It is based on the concept of compassion and sympathy.

Chapter 6: Who I Am

This chapter consists of small biographical accounts of various children. Each child narrates his/her interests and shares their dreams of what they want to become and what makes each of them special. A chapter about self-discovery and appreciating one's uniqueness.

Chapter 7: Fair Play

The story revolves around the lives of two friends, Jumman and Algu, who fall out with each other due to a dispute. Algu becomes a head panch, or the head of the village council, who has to pass a fair judgment against his friend. This shows that justice stands above personal relationships.

Chapter 8: A Game of Chance

A boy by the name of Rasheed accompanies his uncle to a fair. He was lured to the game of chance and all the money he had with him was lost. His uncle explained that the said game only deceives people, teaching Raasheed life-changing lessons on greed and honesty.

Chapter 9: Desert Animals

This chapter describes various animals inhabiting deserts, or how they adapt themselves to the harsh conditions in the desert, search for food and water, and survive in unbearable and extreme climates. A brief story of a gerbil and a snake has also been included in the chapter.

Chapter 10: The Banyan Tree

He narrates how he had spent time under the banyan tree in his grandparents' house. Here, he describes many animals he had observed and also tells about a fight he remembers between a mongoose and a cobra. The banyan tree becomes a place of learning and adventure for him.


Poem 1: A House, A Home

Contrast has been drawn between house and home. House stands for the building made from bricks, woods, and glass. Home denotes a loving and caring place where family members look after one another, share, and support each other.

Poem 2: The Kite

This whole poetic verse has hold of the view of beauty and dynamics of the kite flying up in the sky. The poet explains how the kite soars, dips, and dives with the wind. It also catches the struggles of the kite when it gets tangled or falls on the ground, bestowing life's ups and downs.

Poem 3: The Quarrel

This is a poem about the little quarrel of siblings. To begin with, it involves the quarrel over something silly, then later understands that their love is more significant and bonds them together. The poem ends on a happy note where siblings come back to normal and make up with each other.

Poem 4: Beauty

It describes beauty in different forms, which could be seen in nature, heard in sounds, and experienced in deeds. It brings out the issue that beauty is not physical but reflected in good tided actions and surroundings around us, which puts one to appreciate life deeper.

Poem 5: Where Do All the Teachers Go?

This POEM, a child ponders over how teachers lead their life outside school. The kid wonders if, like everybody else, they wash their clothes, go shopping, watch television. Poetry shows innocence and curiosity in a child who wants to understand teacher's life beyond school.

Poem 6: Wonderful Words

The might and significance of the words are tried to bring out in the poem. Readers are also urged to air their thoughts and ideas without fear or diệt. The poet believes that words have the power to create magic, share knowledge, and put people together; hence, everyone should use his or her words wisely.

Poem 7: Vocation

This is a poem of the child's view concerning various professions. The kind of freedom and independence people of different vocations enjoy, like being a hawker, a gardener, and a watchman, is something the child envies. It encapsulates the sense of the child's longing for freedom from interference and a life full of adventure.

Poem 8: What if

The poem pictures some of the anxieties and fears that normally roam our minds, especially during the night. The "what if" questions represent numerous worries about the future and the unknown. However, it is also suggested that these fears are only natural, and we need not get overwhelmed by them.


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